Wednesday, February 28, 2007

W Train Uptown, 23rd Street, 8am

Monday, February 12, 2007

Downtown R Train, 4:30pm

I'm still on hold, waiting for my music to accompany my Jamaican portrait series. So we'll take a diversion for a while and visit the subway series I began at the beginning of the year.

These are nameless faces, all literally Strangers on a Train. Every day on the subway is a different show, a rich pageant of life, people whom I've never seen before and are likely never to see again. I like to look at faces and imagine what they will look like 20 years hence. Or the reverse, if they are elderly, and picture what they may have looked like when in the flush of youth.

So I have no stories to tell for these portraits -- I'll have to let the images speak for themselves..............

Downtown R Train
Ink and watercolor on paper
Print is available here.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Hurry up and The Pelican Bar

I guess there couldn't be a better place than a cozy bar, smack in the middle of the caribbean sea -- too bad I'm in cold NYC instead.

And I'm waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

You know how musicians are. Sigh.

But I have a trove of small portraits waiting in the wings, and as soon as their orchestral accompaniments are sent my way, I will share them.

More patience.................

Pelican Bar No. 1
Ink and watercolor on paper. 
A print of this painting is available here.