Friday, February 08, 2008

A surprise

I returned to this painting one last time. If you recall, I posted a few original stages of this painting back in the early summer -- refresh your memory
-- but I wasn't sure where I was going or if I was just going to abandon it. It's not unusual to put something aside for a while and let it stew.

So I picked it back up this week and went at it with some gouache -- that's a water-based opaque paint. Unlike watercolors, the paint can be applied in thicker layers that fully obscure what is underneath.

She is still a bit bizarre looking, but I rather like that in a portrait. Here's the progression:

First washes of watercolor over ink lines....

Then I ran it under the faucet because I wasn't happy with it. Some colors remained and I began again........

Then this week, after leaving it alone for about 6 months.....I added gouaches.


I think I'll leave her alone for another 6 months. At least.

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